The Poise Family of Cookbooks 2015-10-02

As part of the continuing development of my Kickstarter work, I’ve written a lot of new cookbooks over the past few months. I would like to summarize a bit about each of them so everyone knows what is out there. Some of these cookbooks are still in the final stages of pre-release testing, so you may need to pull them in from GitHub rather than the Supermarket for a little while longer.

Service Management


The poise-service cookbook unifies and streamlines creating and starting system services with Chef. Unlike the core service resource which just handles enabling, disabling, starting, etc existing service definitions, poise-service also creates the service definition for you. This also allows some level of framework independence for community cookbooks which would otherwise hard-code one specific service management framework.


The poise-service-runit cookbook adds support for Runit to poise-service. This uses the dependency inversion helpers in Poise to allow customizing a service resource in a wrapped cookbook without forking.

Language Management


The poise-ruby cookbook provides resources for installing Ruby from system packages or RedHat’s SCL packages. It also has resources for installing Ruby gems, running bundle install, and running Ruby scripts or programs with automatic handling for bundle exec.


The poise-ruby-build cookbook adds support for using ruby-build to poise-ruby. This takes the place of using tools like rvm or rbenv in a server environment.


The poise-python cookbook provides resources for installing Python as poise-ruby does, with additional support for the Portable PyPy binary builds to get started with PyPy quickly and easily. As with Ruby, there are also resources for installing Python packages with pip, managing virtualenvs, installing requirements.txt files, and running Python scripts and commands. This replaces the now-deprecated python cookbook.


The poise-javascript cookbook follows the Ruby and Python cookbooks in offering support for install server-side JavaScript environments like Node.js and io.js, as well as installing packages using NPM.


The poise-languages cookbook has shared helpers and utilities for the other language management cookbooks, and will be pulled in automatically as a dependency when needed.

Application Deployment


The application cookbook provides the core application resource used with the other application deployment cookbooks. This also contains core mixins used to create application deployment resources more easily.


The application_git cookbook extends the core git resource to support SSH deploy keys and a few other deployment-oriented options.


The application_ruby cookbook supports deploying Ruby web applications like Rails and Sinatra projects. It supports running application services using Thin and Unicorn, as well as most standard Rails deployment steps.


The application_python cookbook adds support for Python web application frameworks like Django and Flask. It also has support for deploying Celery and Gunicorn as services.


The application_javascript cookbook provides resources for deploying server-side JavaScript applications using NPM. It is a bit more generic than the other application language cookbooks as there aren’t specific deployment steps for different Node.js frameworks, but it makes it easy to get a package installed and running as a service.


The application_examples cookbook provides some complete real-world examples of deploying web applications using these cookbooks, including a pastebin using Django and SQLite and a todo list using Express and MongoDB.

Secrets Management


The citadel cookbook provides DSL helpers for an AWS-based secrets management workflow.

Utility Cookbooks

These are cookbooks (and tools) that you may see in my code but are generally for internal use or provide helpers for other cookbooks.


The poise cookbook, which kicked off much of my redesign of Chef cookbooks, provides mixins and utilities to write resources and providers more effectively without compromising reuse or extensibility.


The halite gem is a workflow tool used to allow writing Chef code as normal Ruby gems and converting to cookbooks on the fly. This allows leveraging more Ruby development tools like SimpleCov for code coverage and Bundler for dependency management.


The poise-boiler gem keeps a lot of boilerplate code for my specific Chef workflow in one place so it can be shared more easily.


I’ve got a suite of Chef cookbooks for managing Ruby, Python, and server-side JavaScript across the full life cycle of configuration management needs. I think they are awesome. If you have any questions about using any of these cookbooks, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

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