Accepted Chef RFCs for Nov 25 2014-11-25
Accepted RFCs
This week three RFCs have been accepted and one has been updated.
RFC 32: Powershell DSC Resource Modules
The adds a resource to the Powershell cookbook for DSC resource modules.
powershell_dsc_module 'test_module' do
remote_url ''
RFC 33: Root Aliases in Cookbooks
This adds two aliases to the root folder of a cookbook for the common case of
a single attributes file or a single recipe. This allows not having a folder
containing a single file for these cases. The two aliases will be
and /recipe.rb
RFC 34: Ruby 1.9.3 EOL
Chef Client 12 will require Ruby 2.0 or newer. This is being forced now because it is expected that Ruby 1.9.3 will be end-of-lifed during the the support lifetime of the 12.x branch. All omnibus packages will include compatible versions so this will only affect people installing Chef as a gem themselves.
Update to RFC 21: Update OS X Version Support
OS X 10.10 is now an officially supported platform, and 10.6 and 10.7 have been removed.
RFCs Being Discussed
Three RFCs have been discussed since the last community meeting.
Token Authentication for Chef Server
This proposal outlines adding a token-based authentication mechanism to Chef Server. Discussion at the community meeting was generally positive, but we wanted to wait until the chef-server team could weigh in on the feasibility of the suggested design. Given the complexity of the problem, things will likely evolve once implementation begins, and the RFC will be updated as needed.
Audit Mode
The proposal outlines adding a testing DSL to Chef recipes based on RSpec and Serverspec to allow for easier testing integration. Overall positive reaction from the meeting, with some dissent about if we should continue the current prototype as implemented entirely in Chef core. Discussion will continue on the pull request.
Dialects in Chef
The proposes adding hooks to Chef to allow supporting other languages and file formats for Chef data.
Next Meeting
The next community meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, December 11th at 9AM PST.
As always, the meeting will be held in the
on Freenode IRC. Hope to see you there!
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