Thinking Like A Chef 2016-10-13

One of the first major stumbling blocks I see with new users in the Chef community is learning to think the same way as Chef.

Procedural Code

Most programming languages in the world follow an imperative or procedural model. The concept here is simple, list a series of actions to take in order. Each action is a step towards some kind of outcome or output that we want, but the way we express this to the computer is just in terms of the steps themselves. For example, a line of code might read “store the value 1 in to variable X” or “display the value in variable Y to the console”. More functional-oriented languages move away from side effects (or at least quarantine them as best as possible) but still, code is written by telling the computer what to do and what order to do it in. This works out pretty well because the real world is procedural, you can’t ask for the result of a computation without telling the computer how to get that result.

Desired State

The general model used by Chef (and Puppet, Salt, and Ansible too) was first developed as part of the CFEngine project. Dubbed “Promise Theory”. At a high-level, Promise Theory is a way to write code in terms of desired end state, rather than the steps required to reach that state. The distinction is subtle, but important. For example, “package X must be installed” versus “install package X”. The former is a stated of desired state, while the latter is an action or step.

How To Promise Theory

To get into the specifics, Promise Theory describes a system of interlocking actors each idempotently trying to reach their promised state. That sentence used a lot of very jargon-y words so let’s unpack it a bit. First is “actor”, the actor is the unit of desired state. In Chef, the smallest unit of desired state is a resource. Recipes are built out of resources and roles/policies are built out of recipes, so if well written those can be thought of a Promise-y actors as well, but as we’ll see, it is easy to stray towards the path of recipes-as-procedural-code. For now, let’s just think about resources as our actors. Next we have “promised state” for each actor. When you write Chef code and use a recipe, you pass it some inputs via properties (and the resource name which is like a property with some special syntax) and actions. Promise Theory doesn’t really draw a distinction between what Chef calls resource properties and resource actions, but we generally use properties to control data about the resource (package version, template path) while the action determines what overall state the resource should be in (installed, uninstalled, created, destroyed). It is an unfortunate accident of history that what we named action is actually the name of the desired state even though it sounds very procedural-y, but so it goes. All together this data gets fed into the resource one way or another, this defines what we want the state of the system to look like. The “promise” in Promise Theory is the concept that the resource is like a little worker that takes your desired state information and says “I promise I’ll do my best to make the system look like this”. Sometimes an actor can’t reach their desired state, for example if the promise is “I will make package X be installed” and there is a network outage, it might fail to fulfill its promise. Hopefully it would succeed on the next execution, but a promise must always be best effort because in computers, failure is always an option. The next important bit is “idempotently”, fortunately simpler than the last bits, this means that the actor does as little as possible to achieve the desired state. Using the package example again, this means that if the desired package is already installed, nothing happens.

Test & Repair

The implementation of Promise Theory is generally done with a “test and repair” model. For each actor, we test the current state of the described “thing” (imagine I’m making air quotes here) and then select a series of steps to perform to make the current state match the desired state. In Chef, the test phase is implemented in the load_current_resource/load_current_value in each provider or resource, and then repair phase is the provider’s action method. You can also see echoes of this at a higher level, with Ohai testing the current state of the system and roles/policies repairing. Overall this test and repair model acts as an adapter between the desired state structure of Promise Theory and the underlying procedural nature of the world. Much of the value in Chef as a tool is that it includes many well written adapters for common bits of state we want to manage like packages, files, and services.


If a system implements all of the above, it can be said to be “convergent”. Again, there are some very fuzzy-but-important distinctions though. A system can be idempotent without being convergent. For example if we had the pseudo code if file X does not exist, write the current timestamp to file X that would be idempotent, but it can’t really be said to converge on a particular end state. The true power of Chef (and any other Promise Theory-based system) is realized when your requirements can be expressed in convergent terms.

Sometimes this isn’t possible though, either because there is no way to test the current state of an object (or if possible but prohibitively slow/complex/whatever), or because it is usually faster to port over exiting scripts or processes in a more procedural form. In Chef, this usually takes the form of a recipe with a large number of execute-family resources in it. execute acts as a shim, it’s an actor in the Promise sense but is neither idempotent nor convergent on its own. Chef offers not_if/only_if guard clauses to bolt on a bit of idempotence when possible.

Custom Resources

So we want to express more of our Chef code in convergent terms, what do we do? The first, and best, approach is to create a custom resource. This lets you take some funky, procedural bits of code and wrap them up in a test and repair system so when you use it in a recipe, it looks and acts like a convergent actor. Fortunately Chef has been massively simplifying the process of writing custom resources in recent releases, so this is much less daunting than it once was. Check out the Chef documentation for more information.


This is all well and good, but the question still remains of why do all this in the first place? In short, because humans are terrible at mental modeling. With a procedural system, you need to keep a running mental map of what the state of the system will be in after a given operation, factoring in all the possible initial conditions. In some cases, like a Dockerfile, the initial conditions get collapsed down to just one input, so this is at least easier, but still easily unwieldy with larger scripts. By only requiring us to express the end state, it reduces the mental overhead involved. This has proven time and again to be the best known methodology for managing large systems, especially those with substantial persistent state to consider.

The Ontology Of Chef

Here is where I get even more philosophical. In my personal experience, the best way to use Chef is to see your infrastructure as a set of nesting dolls. I can wave my arms and say the word “abstraction boundary” a lot, but the short version is simple; build bigger actors (read: resources) out of smaller ones. This ensures convergent, Promise-y behavior at every level. By seeing each little resource as an actor which uses other actors, we only need to think about/test/model the bit of logic in the actor itself and trust in each other actor above and below in the nesting to adhere to their stated interface (i.e. their Promise).

As an example, imagine we want to deploy a Jenkins CI pipeline using Chef. This could mean we have a ci_pipeline resource, and inside that several ci_job resources and a jenkins resource, and inside jenkins we have a package and service (and probably some templates for configuration files). Each actor defines a clear “noun” with its own abstraction boundary and defines the state of that noun in terms of other promises. Down at the bottom of the nesting you’ll start seeing more shell_out!() and execute creep in, but make sure each of those follows the requirements of convergence.

While not a silver bullet, following the path of well-defined, convergent actors for your code is much more likely to result in happiness over the long term.

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