SELECT FOR UPDATE in Django 2011-01-16

Update: As of version 1.4 Django supports SELECT FOR UPDATE.

A frequently overlooked feature of SQL is the FOR UPDATE clause on SELECT. Even in this age of NoSQL datastores, most large-scale webapps will use a relational database somewhere, and good money would bet on most having a transaction race condition somewhere.

Transaction isolation in a nutshell

Transaction isolation is the mechanism by which a SQL database prevents multiple in-progress transactions from interfering with each other. Postgres provides two different levels, read committed and serializable. Read committed is the default and is sufficient for the vast majority of operations. A simple mental model for how this works is to have a dirty flag on each row. Any time a row is touched by an UPDATE or DELETE statement, the dirty is set. Similarly any time a SELECT is about to operate on a dirty row, more specifically one which was marked dirty by another transaction, it will block and wait for the other transaction to either commit or rollback and will then update the value it was trying to access.


As long as you can express all your operations using SQL expressions in an UPDATE, this isolation is sufficient. For example, you can increment an integer column via UPDATE foo SET x=x+1 WHERE id=1;. Unfortunately Django doesn’t make this easy. The naive way to perform the same operation is:

obj = Foo.objects.get(id=1)
obj.x += 1

This means that two requests can come in simultaneously and the second will clobber the first:

A: obj = Foo.objects.get(id=1) # obj.x is now 1
B: obj = Foo.objects.get(id=1)
A: obj.x += 1 # obj.x is now 2
B: obj.x += 1
A: # obj.x saved as 2, as expected
B: # obj.x is still only 2, when it should be 3

To do this correctly in plain Django calls, we can use QuerySet.update and an F expression:


This works, but the syntax is a bit unfortunate, even moreso when you just want to update a field on a model you already have. I highly recommend using Andy McCurdy’s update method:

obj = Foo.objects.get(id=1)
update(obj, x=F('x')+1)

Using update() like this also has the added advantage of only sending the given fields to the database, as opposed to save() which serializes the entire model (possibly causing race conditions even on fields you didn’t modify).

The need for FOR UPDATE

Where things start to break down is when you need to update a row using more complex code. One option is to use stored procedures, but this is effectively impossible to do while keeping mutli-database compatibility. The other option is to do the computation in Python code. Without FOR UPDATE this puts us back into race-condition territory in the same way as What FOR UPDATE does is to set the same dirty flags that UPDATE and DELETE use before returning the rows. This means that no other transaction can alter it.

Unfortunately the Django ORM doesn’t yet expose FOR UPDATE as part of the query system, but with some creativity we can add it in. Much of the credit for this goes to Alexander Artemenko who wrote the initial version of the helper.

from django.db import models, connections
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet

class ForUpdateQuerySet(QuerySet):
    def for_update(self):
        if 'sqlite' in connections[self.db].settings_dict['ENGINE'].lower():
            # Noop on SQLite since it doesn't support FOR UPDATE
            return self
        sql, params = self.query.get_compiler(self.db).as_sql()
        return self.model._default_manager.raw(sql.rstrip() + ' FOR UPDATE', params)

class ForUpdateManager(models.Manager):
    def get_query_set(self):
        return ForUpdateQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db)

Then all you have to do is inherit from ForUpdateManager in your manager and use for_update() at the end of the filter chain:

qs = Foo.objects.filter(id=1).for_update()
obj = qs[0]
update(obj, x=something_complex())

An example

Our main use case at Atari for all of this is updating a user’s billing information, specifically their next billing date for people on monthly cycles. Due to the nature of MMOs, it is possible that someone could redeem a game-time card at the exact moment that a background task is processing them for monthly billing. At heart this code boils down to:

user = User.objects.filter(id=1).for_update()[0]
new_date = user.next_billing_date + relativedelta(months=1, day=user.next_billing_day)
update(user, next_billing_date=new_date)

This is both transactionally safe and concise, which is just about all you can ask for from a SQL database.

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